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"Dream Big Little One (above) is Inspired by my child’s journey through childhood and the amazement and joy they find everywhere, while finding and developing their own character and personality. No dream is too big or too small"

"I am a local Bristol based artist. Art has been a hobby of mine for many years. Over the past year I have found myself drawing more to pass the time and since the start of the second lockdown I have begun to explore the possibility of selling my work & also doing custom requests under my Boo21 Custom Artwork title, all my pieces are one off originals.

I use acrylic and spray paint to create original pieces of handcrafted artwork on canvas and skateboard decks. My style is based on graffiti/street art and comic style.

Making work has helped me to relax and focus on over the past year alongside working and being a parent."

What do you feel has been missing from recent virtual exhibitions? 

"From what I have seen from recent virtual gallery exhibitions they all feel the same with very little difference in artists and artwork. I feel that they tend to lack identity for the exhibiting artist. I really like the idea of adding the artist’s choice of music.


I picked the song on the attached link as it’s my daughter’s favourite cartoon show and has been on in the background whilst I have created lots of my work"

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