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"My work is always influenced by feeling, music and movement. These pieces are driven by the idea of “identity” and how one is perceived, in comparison to how one truly feels, and the responsive feelings that can arise from this. The focus of each piece is more the background, rather than foreground. I hope the deep background colours hint at the idea of the depth of internal feeling one can experience, rather than the featured foreground which is intended to reflect surface emotions and perhaps how people may perceive us as light and carefree when we feel otherwise. The work is an example of how much we miss when we only look at people or things on face value and never truly know what goes on ‘behind the scenes’. At the end of the day, it is up to us what we choose to expose and show to the world, and what we wish to keep secret and safe."

What has your art practice meant to you over the last year? 

Freedom and peace of mind. Painting has been a form of cathartic meditation for me.

Do you know of, or are you involved in any artist networks/ community art collectives that you would like to recommend? 


Not an artist community recommendation, but I would love to recommend a young female professional community called City Girl Network. It’s been a life line for so many who have perhaps moved cities, had breakups, needed to make new friends, and needed that support and friendship in a new environment in the midst of a pandemic. Check them out. There is a specific Bristol Girl Group on Facebook and events will hopefully be moving from virtual to in-person at some point in the near future!

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